The Village Idiot
General diary entries
The following is a list of our General diary entries listed in chronological order (most recent first).
The latest diary entries are also available as an RSS feed.
One Way Wistow
By Torquil Sprunt (posted under General)
Following recent plans to repair and improve the village bridge, additional plans have come to light regarding further road improvements to the village.
Secret Government Trials
By Torquil Sprunt (posted under General)
Secret government trials have been discovered in Wistow.
Hot Air Over Wind Farm
By Torquil Sprunt (posted under General)
Local residents are all in a flap over the new wind farm at Warboys
Speed Freak
By Torquil Sprunt (posted under General)
Not Ritchie (The Hamster) Hammond, but Wistow's own Ritchie (The Gerbil) Farrar
Lady Boy
By Torquil Sprunt (posted under General)
Warnings of high levels of female hormones found in some beers unheeded by local man
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