Wistow Village

The village and parish of Wistow, Cambridgeshire

19 July 2015

The Village Idiot

One Way Wistow

18 Jan 2009 - by Torquil Sprunt (posted under General)

Following recent plans to repair and improve the village bridge, additional plans have come to light regarding further road improvements to the village.

Traffic in the village has been a long standing issue with many villagers, particularly traffic in the mornings and evenings that use the village as a cut through to Huntingdon.

This traffic causes much annoyance to local residents, particularly those on Bridge Street, which is one of the worst affected. This is clearly an unfair situation, where a few villagers on a particular street have to suffer all of this additional traffic.

As part of the road and bridge improvement scheme recently announced by the County Council, new top secret plans have been discovered that may turn the centre of the village into a one way system.

This one way "ring-road" is proposed to follow the route that the bus currently takes (see map); along Manor Street, Parsonage Street, Church Street and Bridge Street.

The chairman of the county's strategy traffic planning department, Cllr. Egon Spengler, said  "After much consideration, we believe we have developed a fair and equitable solution for the village's traffic problems."

Cllr. Spengler went on to say that "We recognise that the present system is unfair on the residents of Bridge Street and Church Street as they have to put up with the rush hour traffic in both the mornings and evenings. The proposed system will mean that the morning rush hour traffic will be  directed along Manor Street and Parsonage Street, with the evening traffic going along Church Street and Bridge Street. This is a much fairer system, sharing the traffic through the village and hopefully circumventing the present bottle neck in Bridge Street and all for very little capital outlay!"

So, if you sometimes feel that you're going around in circles, you soon may be next time you return home to Wistow and realise that you have to go around the houses to get to your front door.

Happy New Year!

Torquil Sprunt


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