Wistow Village

The village and parish of Wistow, Cambridgeshire

23 March 2017

News archives

This page contains all our older news and articles. All news items are listed in chronological order (most recent first):

RSS The latest news items and articles are also available as an RSS news feed.


30.11.16 - Bus Times Changing in January

30.11.16 - Wind Energy Consultation
Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036: Wind Energy Developments Consultation.

01.06.15 - Superfast Broadband is Here!
Great news! New green cabinets have gone live with fibre in Wistow and are accepting orders for superfast broadband.

28.05.15 - Cambridgeshire Cycle Tour
The Tour of Cambridgeshire event is taking place on 6/7th June. Vericool Sports Management are the company that are organising the event and have organised the road closures with Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC).

07.02.15 - Big Breakfast Success
A big THANK YOU to everyone who came to the Cancer Research Big Breakfast on 06 February 2015.

25.01.15 - Parish Council Vacancy
Following the recent resignation of a Parish Councillor, a vacancy has now arisen on the Parish Council.

14.01.15 - Parish Clerk Vacancy
The current Parish Clerk for the Wistow Parish Council is intending to step down from the position and as such a vacancy for the job has now arisen.

18.12.14 - Preparing for a Power Cut
Power cuts tend to be more frequent during the winter months and the harsher weather, but there are a few simple steps that you can take to ease their impact.

23.10.14 - Good Neighbours STOP Rogue Traders!
Are you a good neighbour? Do you want to protect vulnerable residents from rogue traders?

15.10.14 - Poppy Appeal Collectors Required
Poppy Appeal Collectors Required for Wistow.

23.09.14 - Churchyard Tidy Up
Churchyard tidy up on Saturday 27th September 2014, 10am

23.09.14 - Cancer Research Collection
Cancer Research Collection in Ramsey on Saturday 4th October, 2014

01.09.14 - Warning to Dog Walkers
Slug pellet warning to dog walkers.

17.06.14 - Adult Support Drop-in Events
A series of popular drop-in events for anyone who is living with a long-term illness or disability, providing unpaid support to adult family members or friends who could not manage without this help or struggling with an age-related condition.

19.03.14 - Better Care Fund
What do you think about integrating health and social care?

24.04.13 - Free Compost Giveaway
As part of Compost Awareness Week from 6 to 12 May 2013, Huntingdonshire District Council is holding a compost give away, where green fingered residents can take advantage of FREE compost.

12.04.13 - Increase in Rural Burglary
The local police have recently seen a rise in dwelling burglaries in local villages with the areas most affected being those villages along the A1 corridor, but the problem appears to be moving into villages all across Huntingdonshire.

10.09.12 - Council Tax Benefit is Changing
Local people are being urged to take part in a consultation on a major change to Council Tax Benefit.

21.11.11 - Water Main Renewal
Proposed Water Main Renewal on Mill Road, Wistow.

12.05.11 - Water Main Renewal
Proposed Water Main Renewal on Bridge Street, Wistow.

26.02.11 - Proposed Bus Changes
Cambridgeshire County Council wants to hear your views on changes and reductions being made to some bus services which are supported by financial contributions from Council funds.

03.11.10 - Christmas Bin Collections
Details of the waste collection services during the festive period for 2010.

01.09.10 - Police Street Surgery
Police Street Surgery to be held in Wistow.

27.04.10 - Library on your Doorstep
If you have difficulty getting to the library, you could have a regular monthly visit to your front door from the library.

27.01.10 - Hinchingbrooke Hospital Review
Have your say in the proposals for a new partner being sought to operate Hinchingbrooke Hospital.

20.12.09 - Neighbourhood Forums
As of January 2010 the 'Safer Neighbourhood Policing Panels' run by the local Neighbourhood Policing Teams will be replaced by wider ranging 'Neighbourhood Forums'.

01.11.09 - Pub Opening Times
The opening times at Wistow's pub for the Christmas season.

01.11.09 - Wistow Allotments to Rent
Wistow Parish Allotments totalling 1.5 acres of land are becoming available to rent.

17.04.09 - Can Recycling
Can banks are being withdrawn by Huntingdonshire District Council throughout the region and will be removed during the coming weeks.

26.03.09 - Free Compost
Free compost give away by the District Council.

02.03.09 - Bridge Meeting
A meeting is being held to discuss the latest proposals for the bridge repairs.

02.01.09 - Parish Council Open Meeting
An open meeting at the next Parish Council meeting has been arranged to discuss the plans for the proposed repairs to the bridge over Bury Brook on the exit of the village to Ramsey.

09.11.08 - Youthclub Volunteers Required
In order for the youth club to remain open, volunteers are urgently required.

07.10.08 - Warboys School Governor Vacancy
Warboys Community Primary School has a vacancy for a Community Governor.

17.08.08 - Rogue Traders
Cambridgeshire Trading Standards are warning residents to be extremely cautious when buying goods or services at the door.

08.04.08 - Please Report Vandalism
Please report all acts of vandalism to the Police and the Parish Council.

23.12.07 - Neighbourhood Watch
On 23 January 2008 at 19:30 at the George Hotel, Ramsey, the Police will be hosting a Neighbourhood Watch coordination meeting.

12.12.07 - Have a Safe Christmas
A few thoughts and hints before the festivities commence in earnest to make sure we all have a happy Christmas.

16.11.07 - Police Surgeries
An opportunity to meet representatives from your local police team and raise any local concerns or issues.

22.10.07 - Free Computer Lessons

01.10.07 - Register Your Belongings
Register your belongings with a free national database to help the Police in case of theft.

14.04.07 - Police e-Mail Service
e-Cops is a new, regular e-mail newsletter scheme from the Neighbourhood Policing Team

09.12.06 - Playing Field Vandalism
Recent acts of vandalism reported in Wistow

Youth Club

18.04.07 - Youth Club Begins
The Wistow youth club opens it doors on Thursday 19 April 2007.

23.02.07 - Youth Club Grant

18.10.06 - Youth Hangout Centre
Wistow parish council are looking into the possibilities of facilities for youngsters in the village and are looking for suggestions as to how this could work.

General News

05.12.16 - No Cold Calling Zone
Did you know that Wistow has a No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ) in Oaklands Close?

25.07.16 - Free Childcare
Extended Entitlement - 30 hours of free childcare for working parents.

21.03.16 - Clean for the Queen
On Saturday 05 March a group of Wistow volunteers went on a litter pick.

16.02.16 - NHS Health Checks Campaign
Cambridgeshire County Council are raising awareness of the NHS Health Checks service to residents of Cambridge.

01.02.16 - Parish Council Update
A few updates and notices from the Parish Council.

07.03.15 - Grants for Superfast Broadband
Government grants for superfast broadband are now available for businesses in the districts of East Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Fenland and Peterborough.

30.10.14 - Huntingdon Association for Community Transport
If you live in the Huntingdonshire area did you know that you could have FREE unlimited access to a FIVE day a week Ring and Ride transport service that picks you up from your door?

06.10.14 - CCC Information and Advice Survey
Have your say to help Cambridgeshire County Council shape the furure of adult social care.

02.09.14 - Village Email Newsletter
Don't miss out on important village news, keep updated by email.

21.05.14 - Collective Energy Switching
Collective energy switching: sign up now and save money on your energy bills!

04.11.13 - Charity Marathon Run

18.07.13 - Macmillan Cancer Support in Cambridgeshire
Every day in Cambridgeshire, 10 people are diagnosed with cancer. Macmillan Cancer Support are there to support people affected by cancer medically, emotionally, practically and financially.

24.04.13 - Connecting Cambridgeshire Update
Connecting Cambridgeshire signed a milestone contract with BT in March 2013 that means businesses and communities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will have some of the best fibre broadband coverage in the country by the end of 2015.

10.04.13 - Local County Councillor says Farewell
After 12 years as our local County Councillor, Victor Lucas hangs his hat up and has written the following open letter to all of the local residents...

19.11.12 - Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Turbines
Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Turbine Development: A Draft Revision of the SPD Wind Power 2006.

04.10.12 - Ramsey Town Centre Survey
Ramsey Initiative, Huntingdonshire District Council and Action for Market Towns (AMT) are currently undertaking a review to find out what local residents think of Ramsey town centre.

09.05.12 - Register for Better Broadband
The major campaign to Get Cambridgeshire Connected with better broadband for homes and businesses has been launched.

10.04.12 - The Big Jubilee Lunch

10.04.12 - Green Heart Community Awards

10.04.12 - IT Volunteers Required

10.04.12 - Local Leaders for London 2012
Could you inspire neighbours to hold an Olympic party, encourage friends and family to celebrate the passing of the Torch Relay or hold a sports quiz? If so, then take up the challenge of being an Olympic Local Leader this summer.

08.09.11 - Free OS Maps
The County Council has become the first authority in the country to secure free use of mapping information from the Ordnance Survey (OS) in order to help more people to get out and about to enjoy the Cambridgeshire countryside.

08.09.11 - Countryside Volunteers
The County Council and Natural England join forces to support countryside volunteers.

14.07.11 - Staying Independent in Cambridgeshire

14.07.11 -
Part time job, 25 hours per week with Cambridgeshire Association of Local Councils (CPALC.

04.05.11 - Broadband Speeds
Broadband speeds in rural villages can be notoriously variable and Wistow is no exception to the rule.

15.02.11 - Highway Fault Reporting System

26.01.11 - NHS Foundation Trust
Opportunity for local people to shape their community health and social care services.

01.01.11 - Neighbourhood Watch
The parish council would like to ask for any volunteers interested in setting up and running a village neighbourhood watch scheme.

08.11.10 - Green House Project Open
The green houses in St Ives and St Neots were officially opened on Friday 29 October 2010.

03.10.10 - Council Web Walks

20.09.10 - Fix My Street
Fix my street is an easy to use website to report problems in your street directly to your local council.

20.07.10 -

27.05.10 - Get set for Digital TV
To receive digital TV pictures you may have to upgrade your aerial.

12.05.10 - Trading Standards Consultation
Cambridgeshire Trading Standards is carrying out a survey to identify what you would like them to focus on in your local area and to identify any particular trading issues.

28.04.10 - Police Rural Community Action Team
The local Police have recently set up a Rural Community Action Team to deal specifically with rural issues.

28.04.10 - Digital Switchover Help Scheme
The Switchover Help Scheme can help you make the switch to digital TV if you are disabled or over 75.

27.04.10 - Charity Marathon Run

26.03.10 - Parish Council Elections
Parish Council Elections are due to be held on 06 May 2010 and nominations for Parish Councillors are requested.

26.03.10 - Wistow History Website
The Wistow History Society has launched its new website.

21.02.10 - Report Potholes
If you have spotted a pothole that needs fixing you can report it online, or by phone.

13.01.10 - Charity Marathon Run
Local villager, Rob Cracknell, will be running this year's London Marathon in aid of charity.

08.12.09 - Police Contacts Enhanced
Police launch dedicated phone number for people with communication difficulties.

01.11.09 - Telephone Box Adoption
Our local telephone box is up for adoption.

01.11.09 - Ravely Road Surface
Ravely Road surface due to be resurfaced in Spring 2010.

22.06.09 - History Society Presentation
As part of the Church Heritage weekend, the Wistow History Society put on a show of their work to date.

11.06.09 - Councillor's Expenses Published
Huntingdon District Council publishes Councillor's expense information.

20.05.09 - Cambridgeshire Walks
More than 90 Cambridgeshire walks to download and print FREE!

11.04.09 - Community Speed watch
Speed Watch is a partnership between Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridgeshire Police and participating Parish and Town Councils, which aims to help residents reduce speeding in their local area.

11.04.09 - Weather the Storm
A website has been launched by Cambridgeshire organisations, including the council, to help you through the economic downturn.

31.01.09 - Community Fuel Clubs
If you have oil based central heating, a fuel club can save money for you and your community.

02.12.08 - Free Benefits Advice
The Village Benefits Advice Service offers free advice and assistance to people living in rural areas of Cambridgeshire to claim benefits that they are entitled to.

02.12.08 - Bridge Repairs
The county council are proposing to strengthen and repair the Wistow bridge next year.

18.08.08 - Ramsey Choral Society
Do you enjoy singing? Why not come along to the Ramsey Choral Society?

09.07.08 - Men in Pub
Meeting on the same evening as the Women's Institute, the Wistow Men's Institute has been formed to give the local men folk an excuse to go down the pub.

04.07.08 - Wistow History Society
For those that may have an interest in the history of Wistow village, a history society has recently been established to research into the depths of Wistow's past.

15.06.08 - Wistow in Bloom Judging
The judging for this year's Anglia in Bloom competition for the village of Wistow will take place on Wednesday 09 July 2008.

07.05.08 - Village Sign
After much debate, a proposed design for the village sign has been developed by the village sign committee.

01.03.08 - Nesting Birds
As spring has sprung and the plants begin to grow, spare a thought for the birds nesting before hacking your hedge.

23.02.08 - Mobile Cinema
Available for private hire in the UK, Filmscene provides a visiting Mobile Cinema service to your village.

04.02.08 - Charity Success

07.01.08 - Local Crime Down
According to Police statistics, reported crime in the area is down on last year's figures.

17.09.07 - Anglia in Bloom Award
The village of Wistow was this year awarded a silver medal in the Anglia in Bloom competition and was judged as the most improved entry.

20.07.07 - Weather Wreaks Havoc
The recent unseasonal weather has had a dramatic effect in Wistow

16.01.07 - The Oldest Paperboy in Town
The oldest paperboy in the East finally hangs up his hat after 25 years of service.

10.01.07 - Thirteen New Arrivals
Thirteen new arrivals in Wistow for Patsy and Richard Coles

15.12.06 - Success for Charity

12.12.06 - Trouble for Torquil
Torquil lands himself in a spot of bother with locals

31.10.06 - Halloween in Wistow
A fun Halloween evening for the village children

05.10.06 - New Website Sponsor
We are pleased to announce that Jerry and Julia from the local pub, The Three Horseshoes, have kindly sponsored our website for a year.

01.10.06 - Anglia in Bloom Award
The village of Wistow was this year awarded the Anglia in Bloom certificate of achievement for it's first ever entry into this competition.


22.09.12 - Disabled Blue Badge Consultation
Huntingdonshire District Council wants to talk to people who use a Blue Badge.

13.09.10 - Dementia Awareness Open Day
Free Dementia Awareness Open Day in Kettering for families and friends of Dementia sufferers to talk and discuss the issue surrounding Dementia.

10.09.10 - Cambridge Cancer Walk
A sponsored walk starting from Milton Country Park, near Cambridge in aid of Cancer Research UK.

26.09.07 - Safari Supper
Twice a year a regular Safari Supper is held in the village. The next event will be held on Saturday, 10th November.

Press Releases

22.05.10 - Park Officially Opened
On 22 May 2010 the new play area in Wistow Park was officially opened.

28.09.06 - Launch of our website
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new website.