Wistow Village

The village and parish of Wistow, Cambridgeshire

16 August 2016

Connecting Cambridgeshire Update

Connecting Cambridgeshire signed a milestone contract with BT in March 2013 that means businesses and communities across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough will have some of the best fibre broadband coverage in the country by the end of 2015.

Overall 98% of homes and businesses across the county can expect to have access to fibre-based broadband by the end of the contract. Our targets are for more than 90% of homes and businesses to be able to get broadband speeds of 24 Mbps and higher, with a minimum of 2 Mbps to very nearly 100% of premises.

Connecting Cambridgeshire is now working with BT Openreach on planning and surveys for the roll-out of the new broadband infrastructure, which will require a substantial re-design of the network across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

This large-scale project will involve upgrading over 100 telephone exchanges and installing many more new cabinets across the county. The roll-out has to be carefully planned in to make the best use of public money. Once BT has completed the initial design we will be able to publicise the phased roll-out, which is due to begin before the end of 2013.

Nearly 25,000 homes and businesses have supported the Connecting Cambridgeshire campaign, which is the largest of its kind in the country. Active campaigning has now closed, but you can still register your details to keep up to date with the programme or view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at www.connectingcambridgeshire.co.uk.

For more information see: Connecting Cambridgeshire

24 April 2013


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