Wistow Village

The village and parish of Wistow, Cambridgeshire

22 March 2017

Free Childcare

Extended Entitlement - 30 hours of free childcare for working parents.

At present all 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 570 hours of Government funded childcare per year.

From September 2017, children of working parents in Cambridgeshire will be entitled to an additional 570 hours per year equating to 1140 hours of free childcare per year. This has been referred to in the press as �30 hours� of childcare or �extended entitlement�.

Cambridgeshire County Council are interested in what parents� views are and ask that parents please take a moment to complete the survey which is online at For more information see: www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/30hours

25 July 2016


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