Staying Independent in Cambridgeshire
Information about adult social care in Cambridgeshire is now available on a new, easy-to-navigate website, developed by the County Council, called �Your Life, Your Choice�.
The aim is to ensure that everyone in Cambridgeshire who is: looking for information about adult social care; already receiving support; or caring for a friend or family member; has access to information at a time and in a format that suits them. In addition to the website a set of Your Life, Your Choice branded leaflets, providing information about adult social care in the county, will be available from libraries. Access to the Your Life, Your Choice website is also available in libraries together with help on hand for anyone requiring assistance with sourcing information.
For more information, look out for the Your Life, Your Choice logo in libraries and CAB AdviceHubs or access information and advice directly at
14 July 2011
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