Harold (Jack) Lindsell - Harris Lane (in his 80’s)
At 12 yrs old he used to walk to Warboys for school.
Came to live in village at 4 yrs old from Warboys.
In Church Road, by the Bance’s land, was a place that mended horse’s harnesses.
Rev Pratt lived in Rectory.
Where Phone Box is now, used to have a Coconut Shy during Wistow Feast time and the Ramsey Band played there as well.
They used to regularly do a Xmas party for the children in the school.
Mrs Murrell and her son ran the Old Shop (the Shielings)- they did newspapers and was also the Post Office.
The Giffords ran the other shop which did womens clothes, but not food.
There used to be a row of cottages facing the old school.
There was also wooden air raid shelters in many of the gardens.
The Fosters, Dorringtons and Moss’s were the local farmers.
Used to have a May Pole during the Wistow feast as well.
There used to be a Bowling Green and an orchard down Church Road.
For the Coronation, they had a kids party by the old bowling green.
There was a beuatiful hand-drawn hearse in the Fleur de Lys, which was the funeral directors.
The Fleur de Lys landlord did the bell ringing as well.
The Gartons lived up the hill past the Bridge, which was an old Brickyard.
Harold’s dad was the old Blacksmith in the village, who worked from the Fleur de Lys.
In 1956 he remembers the Windmill being there, but not working then.
Oaklands Avenue near Harris Lane end was mostly blackberry bushes and grass, no houses at all.
In the Mill House lived Mr Bell, who ran a taxi business and was the local postman.
Rooks Grove Farm used to be called Lime Tree Cottage.
Ann Juggins is believed to have an old map of the village in her hall
Harold’s dad used to wind the clock in the church.
Toll Bar House used to be on the right by the Toll, which was the only house on that side of the road.
The Bus only came into the village on Saturdays.
For many years, most of Bridge Street was flooded.
Harold used to be the gravedigger in the village.
In the alley way half way down Mill Road, used to be barn, where a man hanged himself. (He might have been a Sansum).
David Titmarsh
Interview 2009
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